Harini penat sikit. Sebab aku buat macam macam aktiviti. First aku study,-.- lepastu aku pergi open house Lina. Kita orang actually nak buat suprise birthday untuk kakak aku. Sebab time birthday dia, puasa. So kita buat time raya. Then kitaorang pergi Teluk Chempedak lepaklepak pastu ciou. Nampak tak penat tapi penat sebenarnya. haha pictures;-
Degil eh kau mother f%^&*@? Im still in the mood for raya beb. Hari ni pun aku still pergi beraya. Siap pergi beraya kat rumah yg takda tuan lagi. AHAHA. Still hunting for duit raya. Yeah. Kita raya sebulan kan? So aku nak mintak kat semua orang yang aku jumpa nanti. MUAHAH. Blergh, aku bosan sial duk kat rumah. Petang tadi pun aku duk study je. Cramp kepala hotak aku.
Seterusnya, aku gila suka sial nike sb prod ni.Colour dia lawa. Kalau bawak pergi skate memang tip top lah. Impact dia semua. Aku ingat nak guna duit raya do beli bendalah tp sayang do nak guna. haih tengok lah aku beli next time kot. Tp rm250 je. Cuma aku je yg kedekut. Ni ha dia si cantik jelita,
Apa khabar semua? Apa macam raya? Ada syok? Aku punya ok ah. First day raya, bangun pukul 8. Mandi-mandi semua pergi masjid besar Kuantan. Fyi, this is it.
Helmi call aku sejurus selepas aku bangun. Dia suruh aku gerak tempat yang dia nak solat.(masjid diatas lah) So aku dgn abah pun bergerak. Jumpa je Helmi, dia tgh isap rokok sebelah pakcik aku. Aku pada mulanya malas nak tegur dia. Japg kena lecture tak pasal-pasal. Tapi aku tegur pulak ah. Pastu aku salam pakcik aku, Helmi pun tanya
""tu pakcik kau eh? dia garang sial, marah anak-anak dia tadi."
Aku pun ajak dia jauh dari pakcik aku yg scary tu. Jadinya kitaorang pun solat ah. Dah habis semua aku balik. Aku ingat terus nak tapau rendang yg aku, tika and ma buat. Tapi ma suruh aku terus pg rumah nenek. Itu yg aku paling suka time-time raya ni. Malam raya pertama, aku amik helmi pg tgk mu lawan manchester city kat mcd. Haha. Ok habis raya pertama.
Raya kedua, shit bosan. Aku duk kat rumah buat kerja bm yg cikgu bagi. Wa buat sampai habis beb. Dont play-play. Ok thats a wrap. Weh! korang ada tengok spontan tak? If tak, ni part yg aku paling suka. Korang tengok din beramboi jual perkakas bomoh. HAHAHA CIOU
Hey ssup babeh? I'm blogging at the eve of eid. Whoah, after a month of fasting.(tak cukup sebulan pun) Akhirnya raya. I got my yellow baju melayu with a green sampin and red songkok. Wah taksubnya aku. But who cares yaw? Hell yeah im so into raya mood in fact of something turned my mood into a massive disaster. But i am going to celebrate raya. Enjoy the takbir raya video. Haha Selamat Hari Raya everyone! Maaf zahir dan tenaga batin.
Wassup ma nigga? Im doing fine these days. In the mood for raya kot. haha. So my family has started the preparations. The curtains, clothes, change position of furniture and etc. Btw, the pictures during my uncle's wedding is out. So check it out.
I went berbuka with Mustaqim today. Pantat dia gay sial. :P Moving on, I miss the times when we didn't have to fast. We can do anything that we love to. Like.. erm, anything laa.. But most off all, I miss skating. Now i only can skate in front of my house and get scolded by the neighbours. Thank you Yudesh, HAHA! It's twelve of Ramadhan. So that means there is about 2 more weeks to goo. Yeah. Duit raya, kuih raya, baju raya, but there's no GIRLFRIEND raya okk? LAME-OOO. Anyway, there's a few paper till the first trials ends. So say bye bye to books for a mean time and hello to pelita.
By the way, next coming Sunday is my elder and younger sister's birthday. Yeah, they were born on the same date and place. Good job Abah! Unfortunately, i don't know what to buy. This is because i don't want to buy expensive stuffs for them because if i do, i have to make it into two. Got what the heck am i saying? Aiyoo, so biar je lah diorang. Birthday aku bukan bagi pape pun. heheh