50 questions to pass the time
1. Are you wearing a hat?
2. Bottled water: yes or no?
yes kot
3. Do you have a crush on someone right now?
4. What kind of laptop do you have?
5. Do you prefer writing in pen or pencil?
6. Who was the last text message in your phone from?
7. What’s your favorite season?
musim durian
8. Does your best friend have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
entah la. malas nk kisah :P
9. Do you like them?
like who?
10. Favorite radio station?
fly fm
11. Type your name into Google. What’s the first link that pops up?
bdk singapore mane tah
12. What’s your favorite song at the moment?
13. Coke or Pepsi?
kafir made.jgn minum
14. Favorite subject in school?
sejarah. haha
15. Last concert?
indie fest.
16. Next concert?
tak tau
17. Last magazine you bought?
18. Last book you read?
mr. midnight.kot
19. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
20. Is there someone you want to punch right now?
haha tkde.
21. Favorite sports team?
hardstyle prostyle.tah la.shuffle tu sport ke?haha
22. State you most want to visit?
state of hell
23. Are you a MySpace addict?
tgk time ah
24. When do you shower?
25. What’s your dream job?
26. What kind of car do you drive?
aku tkde lesen lg la bahlol
27. What word in the dictionary best describes you?
28. What’s your blog address?
29. Worst TV show at the moment?
raja lawak
30. Are you a better talker or better listener?
31. Do you care about who wins the election?
sikit ah
32. Who was the most popular kid in your 7th grade class?
bodo malaysia mana pakai grade
33. Are you afraid of ghosts?
im the ghost. haha
34. Is there something lacking in your life right now?
hmm yeah
35. What do you miss most about childhood?
first time bawak basikal
36. How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test?
37. How many kids do you want?
2 :P
38. Are you a good liar?
39. Can you cook?
boleh la.haha
40. Are you a cheapskate?
bapak kau
41. What would you do with a million dollars?
haha bli teh o ais pastu derma
42. Have you been to Disney World?
bodo haram
43. How much time do you spend online a week?
tk kira
44. Last time you went bowling?
hishh boleh tahan lamanya
45. Hot or cold weather?
hot n cold
46. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
banyak jgk la
47. Are you a shop-a-holic?
tak ah
48. Where were you yesterday morning at 10:30?
49. Are you afraid of the dentist?
takut buat ape?
50. Were you bored or entertained by this survey?
ok je